I have three monitors arrange on my desk left, centre and right (like three sides of a box). (See last paragraph.) and works if you have more than one monitor. This may provide you with an alternative solution to the answer you are looking for (How to make your icons on a Mac desktop monitor appear on the left-hand side instead of the right-hand side?), It is the nearest work-around for me. So whenever a file is added to your Desktop, all files will be rearranged alphabetically. On removing folder items from alias after losing listOfAliasOrText On adding folder items to alias after receiving listOfAlias Set theArrangementString to theArrangement as string Tell icon view options of window of desktop Current known limitations: Does not work with 'Label position' set to 'Right' (specifically, icons will overlap). It has only been tested with OS X 10.8.5 (Mountain Lion). This is currently a rough proof-of-concept. To have this run automatically every time files are added or removed from the Desktop, set this script to run as a Desktop 'Folder Action'. Rearranges Desktop icons to flow from left to right, top to bottom. Paste the following code in the applescript text box:. Create an Automator Folder Action associated with the Desktop.This is not the best solution but it can work if nothing else does.